Police seizure 90 kg Cannabis, found in a coffee table at a warehouse in Cardiff International Airport. The cannabis was hidden inside the drawers. Two men, one of 30 and one of 50, tried to hide the cannabis and smuggle the table from god knows where to the UK. The street value is about £250,000.
My opinion
I took this article because I thought this was just a funny way to get caught with a smuggle of an illegal soft drug. I mean, a table… how stupid can you be…
This is not the first cannabis seizure in the UK as from December. It’s the 12th. And that is almost one a day. Maybe this is just a busy period in connection with the Christmas. But one thing is for sure: English people are crazy about cannabis. In Holland there are also a lot of cannabis seizures but the difference between the UK and Holland is that in the UK the cannabis seizures are much smaller. The highest was 2000 plants. In Holland a seizure of 30,000 plants no big deal anymore. I think that the criminality level of a criminal depends on the number of plants he or she was growing.
3 opmerkingen:
It is indeed very stupid to smuggle cannabis in the drawers of a table, even I could think of something better, although I have got better things to do. £250,000 is a lot of money they should have invested it in something more profitable, but that is the risk you take.
sometimes the most simple ideas are the best but in this case it did not work out. A lot of money makes people do the strangest and stupidest things, they are just blinded by the money.
Haha nice one, it can be smart to hide drugs in some objects that are normally not able to hold stuff. However you can't fool the dogs, so maybe you will be caught anyway.
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